Our Prices

Under 3s
​Session Costs
Working Day (8am-6pm): £65
Early Birds (7.30am-8am): £6.50
Morning session (8am-1pm): £36
Afternoon session (1pm-6pm): £34
​Additional Costs
Registration fee: £75 - £125*
Deposit: £75
Hourly rate: £8
Late payment fee: £6 per day after the fifth of the month
Late pick-up fee: £15
Over 3s
​Session Costs
Working Day (8am-6pm): £63
Early Birds (7.30am-8am): £6.50
Morning session (8am-1pm): £36
Afternoon session (1pm-6pm): £34
​Additional Costs
Registration fee: £75 - £125*
Deposit: £75*
Hourly rate: £8
Late payment fee: £6 per day after the fifth of the month
Late pick-up fee: £15
Funded and deals
​Funded session Costs
Morning food and consumables
(8am-1pm): £10
Afternoon food and consumables
(1pm-6pm): £8
Working day food and consumables
(8am-6pm): £13.50​
Funding costs monthly
(when spread over the year and starting funding in September)
We offer term-time only places on a limited basis and these are only available for full working days.
We offer extended or stretched funding which is where we apply the 38 weeks of funding to the full year of 52 week.
For example 30 hours per week for 38 weeks is 1140 hours of funding. Spread across 52 weeks this is 21.92 hours per week.
We offer a series of different sessions to fit in with you and your family.
Before your child starts with us, we offer three free settling-in sessions.
Fees are planned for April '24 to March '25. Below are the fees for each age group.
To learn more about government funding, click here.
*The registration fee in non-refundable. However, the £75 deposit will be deducted from your final bill. If you do not take up the place assigned to you, your deposit will be forfeited.